TESV has teamed up with Exert Certification to create an assessment centre for IECEx Certification of Personnel Competence (CoPC) since Jan 2021. IECEx CoPC is an international scheme documenting the personnel Ex-competency globally and TESV is the only centre in Vietnam providing this assessment. The scope of our certification is as follows:
Ex 000 | Ex 001 | Ex 002 | Ex 003 & 006 | Ex 004, 007 & 008 | Ex 009
What is IECEx CoPC?
IEC = International Electrotechnical Commission
Ex = Explosive atmospheres
IEC + Ex = IECEx
CoPC = Certificates of Personnel Competence.
IECEx CoPC = International Certification Scheme
The IECEx Certification of Personnel Competence (CoPC) is the first international scheme aimed at providing personnel with a worldwide recognized certificate.
It is for individuals who already have the Ex theoretical knowledge and years of Ex practical experience, who want to have their knowledge tested by an independent Body.
Exert Certification
Exert Certification is an ExCB approved to operate under the IECEx Scheme for Certification of Personnel Competencies (CoPC) and has the authority to issue IECEx Certificates of Personnel Competencies.
Country: NORWAY
Name: Exert Certification AS (formerly Trainor)
Identifier: Exert (XRT)